
Mukhtar Nama | مختار نامہ

This Epic series is based on Mukhtar Al-Thaqafi who was an early Islamic revolutionary who led a rebellion against the Umayyad Caliphs who ruled the Muslim world after the murder of Imam Husayn ibn Ali at the Battle of Karbala.

He was the Muslim hero who could overcome the events and lead the greatest social revolt. He adopted political and social justice, and accomplished equal opportunities among the people, regardless of their nations and religions.

اس ڈرامہ سیریل میں مختار ثقفی کی کہانی پیش کی گئی ہے، جو کربلا میں امام حسین (ع) اور ان کے ساتھیوں کے بہیمانہ قتل کا بدلہ لیتا ہے۔

Original language: Persian
Episodes: 40
Year: 2010

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